Sunday, September 10, 2023, 14:00
Alright y’all, God Designed a quick reference guide to help better understand the language rules of Origin! Allow me to share.
First, a few tips before we get started;
1- Letters do not exist, there are only sounds.
2- Sounds do not make the sounds of other sounds. ‘a’ can never make the sound of ‘e’. ‘s’ can never make the sound of ‘CH’ or ‘c’ or ‘Tz’, and vice versa.
Ready to learn more?! Great! Dive on in.
The Angels:
A B C D E F G H I J Ⓚ L M N P Q R S T U V X ⅄ Y Z
(If you noticed that these do not align with the alphabet, you get a gold star for the day!!! The angel ‘A’, also called a compass, should be rotated 90 deg to the left, looking more like this ‘<‘)
The Sounds: (The word is actually sund, not sound. Sunds do not make the sunds of others sunds, remember from above?! The word sound is a violation of that rule, among others. To produce the ‘ow’ sund that you hear is YOX! You’re not ready yet for that…)
a b c CH d e f g H i l m n ”O” p q r s T u v x y Tz
(If you noticed that these do not align with the alphabet, you just earned your second gold star!)
ABCD….XY⅄ (anJgel”s guide your mouth)
‘B’ is called a butt. ‘C’ is called a cup. ‘D’ is called a Dam. ‘E’ is called a fork. ‘J’ is called a hook. ‘X’ is called an hourglass. ‘⅄’ is called a broom. Just to name a few! Some of the angels are kind of funny, God Loves to Hear His children laughing. There’s also earth anJgels, ‘Tz’ ‘CH’, we will save this lesson for another day.
‘A’ (Open mouth, no sound.)
‘A’, called a compass, when you see it, open your mouth and get ready to sing!
cl⅄Ose it
You’re getting it!
”’A”’H⅄ay e”s” for HYOr”’se”s”Y
Hay is for horses don’t ya know!
W shaped xrong fyi
Just move on…
Whoa, is right!
Y’ouXr””””g’la”s” (whhhhhaaaaaaattt??!!!)
Hourglass! Stick with me.
The anJgel X is called an hourglass. Imagine blowing the sound through an hourglass, >>X>>. Whistle!
You got it chief!
In the South xe say y’all not you
We gotta change it to y’al though, dubbles = stuttering stanley’s. You noticed the ‘x’! The sound ‘x’ is called a double u!
xhut’s ‘W’ then?
‘Ww’ does not exist.
anJgels guard und Tzing
It’s medicine, for your eyes!
”’A””⅄”’O”’H”””’CH”it”’Y”’ ”’CH”it”Y”’ (There’s OH SHIT! zund Shit.)
Shit, or shall I say CHit, is something that does not have blood. The former is what our Jewish friends call the sheen! Nearly a mirrored image of Origin, seen above. God Says this is the correct atomic formula for soap. Have you heard the phrase, ‘I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap.’? Well, sometimes things happen, things that make you want to cuss. If you pray about it, God MIGHT Tell you to say CHit. He Will Make you sit in a quiet place and say this word repeatedly, try it. Doing this intentionally, you will come to notice that your mouth has developed a film, and your saliva has become thick and, well, soapy. Ah, the Divine Trickster! You think you are getting an opportunity to cuss when really God is cleansing your mouth and your brain from the negative thought, with literal soap.
Y”’O”r”i”’Gi”n’Y Birth
Not virgin birth. Her baby that doesn’t sin, it was a book, as I said previously, much of it is missing. She didn’t write the book, she was but a portal for her son who wrote the book, well part of it. We will talk more about this another day.
Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Jesus are the authors of the Bible.
The New Testament is a book of hearsay actually! Most of which was written by the apostle Paul, and Jesus’ best friend James, revelations was written by Jesus.
m’Xar”ieX La’vea’Xu (Mary Love U)
Madame Laveaux is also of OriGin birth. She could hear God’s voice very well. God Gave her the words but she couldn’t read, she did the best that she could dXu, to spread love.
One of the biggest struggles is understanding the difference between X and ⅄. Both angels can aid the long sounds, i.e., X”O, or ⅄”O, if a scribe is using the X angel it let’s the other scribes know, that scribe is missing something, and it is a protection mechanism. If one is using X, all the same principles will be derived, however, the magic within the words won’t quite work. This is to protect the language from thieves. [Please refer to the book of Jeremiah 23:30]
The correct angel to use for long sounds is ⅄, it’s called a broom. If you visit Marie Laveaux’s tomb in New Orleans, you will see much graffiti, ‘XXX’ written everywhere. They didn’t know how she did what she did, but they were grateful, she was very loved.
God told her about the 3 puns (3 payments/pains, please see the Fine Print), she suffered in silence at night, praying with very hot peppers in her mouth to achieve results for her patrons. Bless her heart.
Hitler’s mother was…
She was OriGin!
Ok y’al, listen, j is not a letter… J is an anJgel, but j is not letter. I don’t expect y’al to believe me about this today, but allow it to marinate for a minute.
The reason Jesus was crucified is because he tried to tell the society of the time this very fact. He wrote it all out based on the OriGin instruction his mother had given him, and he told them, “J is not a letter and ‘ew’ is not a sound.” To produce the word ‘Jew’ is simple Jgu. It means you. Society wanted no part of this nonsense, they murdered Jesus and wrote ‘King of the Jgu’s” above his head, making fun of him. The actual Jews, aka the shittites, the ones whose land is chit, who worship chit (please see above); stole his book and all his research and have kept buried this secret ever since. They buried Jeremiah’s secret before that, and Moses before that, and Noah’s before that. There’s more to this story, as I’m sure you can imagine, don’t worry we will get there. [Please refer to the book of Jeremiah 23:30]
When God tells a person this information, one’s first instinct is anger. Extreme, almost inconsolable anger. Hitler did not overcome his anger, as history shows.
I, in no way condone Hitler’s behavior. Like at all… Just like Pharaoh, he was in stark violation of Fetre 4. (please see the Fine Print) Still yet, my opinion does not change fact, and the fact quite simply is, his mother, Klara, was OriGin.
Hitler took more than 20 million lives, he took the ability to be able to talk about the truth without being called an anti-Semite.
The devotion of the Jews will be rewarded. Trust me. There likely isn’t a Jewish person alive who knows this truth, therefore none of them can be blamed, but technically they too are in violation of Fetre 4, consider Palestine and the entire chosen movement! I will explain further another day.
They got some things right, singing! Monotheism! They almost have the language right, except, well, it’s backwards. Don’t fret my sweet Jewish friends, though y’al are far off, y’al are positioned in such a way that you could easily be spot on.
Anyone wondering what Jesus name was if ‘j’ doesn’t exist? You don’t remember from reading the Old Testament? We’ll talk all about Jesus, very soon!
Hue as in hue the color. The word hue means now. Don’t say this word without permission. It creates entitlement.
The word you is the antonym of the word hue. Meaning it is the opposite. When Jgu say it, it robs Jgu of color, making one feel blue.
Are you a chronic YouTube watcher? Do you suffer from chronic depression? Are you putting the pieces of the puzzle together?… You watch all the ‘try not to laugh’ challenges and can’t figure out why you feel sad, then you turn to Amazon or Walmart to buy more stuff to fill the void. Sound familiar? The loop you can’t escape, it’s YOU.
Do “they” know? In part, yes! The richest of the world are well aware of the knowledge God is Giving me to give to y’al. SpaceX… (See Marie Laveau above.) Hitler was obsessed with space travel also. I’ll share with y’al why, but not today!
LOVE! Try singing it! La-la-la-LOVE! Hue the color of love 💗
There you have it! God Designed this quick guide to help me remember and learn some of the frustrating language rules of OriGin. Soon we will do a more in depth study, but for now this will at least help y’al understand some of the things you will see on this site. Or at least I hope it will, it helped me.
Talk Soon.